☆ TxT office
Version 0.2NE.1 /One True Quartet
Release 3 (R3) 20240517
TxT kontoret (The TxT office) is a collection of 27 free- and shareware programs, mainly for writing and editing texts.
Supports the formats .txt; .csv; .odf; .html; .xls
The central program is MemPad - a small but powerful outliner, which can be used to write and edit text ranging from journal-notes to 1000 page books.
All programs are portable, and can run from an USB stick / External drive.
All programs are for windows - version XP and above.
All programs are free for personal and commercial use
All programs are © the original authors
The programs come in original distribution folders, and can be used like you would if they were downloaded individually.
► The TxT kontor framework provides:
▬ A Menu-system (access to all included programs + those that you add later)
▬ Additional Help (Danish and english help for the programs, and for the interconnect-functions)
▬ Pre-made system-files (TxT office is made to be used as a system. Pre-made INI files &c. makes it easy to share data between programs)
To comply with the original program-authors copyright, the TxT office contains the original distribution folders for each program.
☆ How to unpack and set up the system:
1: Copy the following files from the repository of the wanted language:
(A table with Hash-values for the above will be found in the repository - Hash-values for all included programs will also be found in the repository)
2: Unzip
This will make the 'TxT' folder, which can be placed anywhere - EXCEPT inside windows program structure (ie. subfolders under the 'Windows' folder)
3: Then move all used .zip folders to the 'ZIP' folder - or delete them
4: Inside the 'OFFICE' folder, go to the '1-Qsel' subfolder and run Qsel.exe
This will open the 'Kontor' menu (with access to all programs) AND open MemPad with the file 'Velkommen.lst' (= Welcome)
☆ Qsel.exe is the main entrance to the TxT kontor system.
You might want to place a shortcut link to it somewhere accessible, like on your Windows Desktop, or in the Taskbar
The 'Welcome.lst' file will give you a guide to the main functions
► follow the step-by-step instructions, and in 30 minutes you will have made
▬ a Journal (a single key creates or opens a page for the day)
▬ a minimal web-page (MemPad easily exports content to a HTML file)
▬ an alphabetical word-list
▬ an animated world map - showing the position of the sun throughout the day/night
▬ a text-table based on entries in MemPad (or any text editor)
▬ a HTML table (web-format) based on the above table
▬ a spreadsheet that calculates numbers from MemPad (or any editor)
▬ a date alarm, connected to one or more task-files
▬ and have learned how to use the MemPad outliner and a lot of its shortcuts
☆ Why use this, instead of a wordprocessor, or a net-based solution?
The TxT office system is meant for texts that are too important to lose - all programs have been picked (and tested) for long-term stability, and all supported formats are expected to be in common use 25 years from now - and to be readable without conversion in 50 years from now.
The system is based on my personal writing environment - and that contains text that first was computerized in the early 1980's on CP/M and DOS based systems. (And a few from MiniVAX UNIX systems - converted from punched paper-tape for TTY (TelePrinter) terminals!)
Text without formatting is the core of this system, and the main tool for generating formatted texts are outputting in HTML (Web format) which can be read by a browser - or a text-editor.
Small and streamlined programs are the core of the TxT kontor -I like to save a copy of the originating program with all data-files...
This also makes the programs fast, even on old machines
Uncompressed sizes:
► the 'KONTOR' folder (containing the full TxT office system) = 7 MB
► the '2-MP' folder (Menu; Outliner; Text-editor; HTML-generator; (graphical!) HTML-editor; Help-files) = 1.226 MB
► The Help-file contains guides to making ultra-compact versions, down to under ½ MB
► Mini-Pad is a premade mini set-up for text editing only. Without help-files, but with a separate Data folder, the MP folder comes in at 1MB
The system is meant for stand-alone systems, that are not normally connected to a net, and is set up for stability and security.
Data from within the system can easily be shared with others (also if they use other operating systems) but will block access for even very determined hackers.
If you need to store data on unsupervised systems, they can be encrypted and/or hidden.
MPhtml: 18 maj 2024